Goals and Dreams

Welcome to the Heartwood Tools Blog! I thought I should take a moment to explain what my goals and dreams are for this blog, otherwise it might seem a bit all over the place. I want this to be a resource for all manner of woodworking information, from techniques to design knowledge to step-by-step projects showing the thought process behind the decisions made. It will take awhile to get there, but I basically want to put all the woodworking knowledge I have in my brain into blog form. I feel very fortunate to have studied with some of the best furniture makers alive, and I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

I want to include other perspectives, as well, via guest blogging. One of the best aspects of my time at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship was being exposed to so many different ways of doing things. I’m a big proponent of “there isn’t one way to do anything” in woodworking; you just have to find what works best for you. A lot of factors can go into that decision such as your comfort with a certain technique, the tools you have available, and the project you have on your bench. It’s great to talk about things in a theoretical sense, but at the end of the day, what works in reality is more interesting to me.

Please be patient with me; it’s been a long time since I have written anything of consequence, and that was mostly in the form of papers for school. Does anyone still read blogs? I suppose we will find out. Fear not, there will be videos in time, too! I want to encourage you to reach out via email or social media if you have ideas for blogs. Are there techniques you never quite got the hang of? Is there conventional wisdom that never made sense to you or never works out in practice? What do you want to see covered here? And if you are interested in guest blogging, please let me know.

Leslie Webb